Press Reflections
SeramiÄŸin yaÅŸamlarına dokunduÄŸu bir kesimin daha sesi Bienal’de duyulacak: Mehmet Torun Özel EÄŸitim Meslek Okulu, Alaaddinbey Özel EÄŸitim Meslek Okulu ve ÇaÄŸdaÅŸ EÄŸitim Okulları’nda eÄŸitim almakta olan hafif zihinsel engelli ya da otizm tanısı almış olan gençlerin ürettiÄŸi seramik duvar panosu kentsel alana monte edilecek.
Adım Elif Kumaru, oÄŸlum Tuna 18 yaşında atipik otizm tanısına sahip “özel gereksinimli” bir genç ve halihazırda özel eÄŸitim meslek okulu seramik bölümünde 12.sınıf öÄŸrencisi. Bugüne kadar bir anne olarak kendisine yaÅŸamı boyunca fiziksel ve biliÅŸÅŸel olarak her türlü desteÄŸi vermeye çalışırken bu yolda birlikte yürüdüÄŸüm diÄŸer anne, babalar, öÄŸretmenler, idareciler ile elele vererek bu evlatları topluma nasıl kazandırırız, evlerimize kapanmayı bir tercih olmaktan çıkarıp toplumsal yaÅŸama nasıl katabiliriz diye epey bir uÄŸraÅŸtım.
Tuna liseye geçip Mehmet Torun Özel EÄŸitim Meslek Okulunda okumaya baÅŸladıktan sonra ben de bir Bursalı olarak, üstelik özel gereksinimli bir çocuk annesi olduÄŸum halde, otizmli, down sendromlu ve/veya zihinsel engelli gençlerimizin neler yapabildiklerini aslında tam da bilmediÄŸimi fark ettim. Halbuki deÄŸerli öÄŸretmenlerimizin özverili çalışmaları sayesinde sadece oÄŸlumun okulunda deÄŸil Bursa ilinde ikamet etmekte olan ve eÄŸitim alan tüm “Özel Gereksinimli Gençler”in gerekli eÄŸitim ve desteÄŸe ulaÅŸtıkları takdirde yetiÅŸtirildikleri alanlarda hem yeteneklerini sergileyebildiklerini hem de ekonomiye mikro düzeyde dahi olsa katkı saÄŸladıklarını öÄŸrendim. Bu hususta 3 senedir (Tuna özel eÄŸitim meslek okulunda öÄŸrenim görmeye baÅŸladığından bu yana) öÄŸretmen arkadaÅŸlarımla elele vererek bu özel çocukların neler yapabildiklerini sevgili hemÅŸehrilerime tanıtmaya, anlatmaya çalışıyor, bu amaçla çeÅŸitli satış etkinliklerinde aktif olarak katılım gösteriyor ve Bursa’da faaliyet gösteren deÄŸerli sanayici ve iÅŸ insanlarını okulumuza davet edip yapılanları onlara sergiliyoruz.
BildiÄŸiniz üzere 2024 yılı Bursa’da “Seramik Yılı” olarak ilan edildi ve yıl sonunda bu amaçla Türkiye de ikincisi gerçekleÅŸecek bir “Bienal” planlanıyor. Amatör olarak seramik sanatı ile ilgilendiÄŸim için geçtiÄŸimiz yıllarda okul aile birliÄŸi olarak seramik alanında eÄŸitim alan öÄŸrencilerimizi yine Bursa’da düzenlenen “1. Seramik Bienali” kapsamındaki sergilere taşımış, fırsat buldukça Bienal kapsamında düzenlenen atölye çalışmaları ve söyleÅŸilere katılarak Bienalin bizlere ve ÅŸehrimize sunduÄŸu kültürel destekten fayda saÄŸlamış idik.
Bu sene yine Bienalin ÅŸehrimize sunduÄŸu tanıtım fırsatını deÄŸerlendirip “Özel Gereksinimli Gençler”imizin neler yapabileceklerini ÅŸehrin merkezinde kalıcı bir eser ile sergilemek üzere bir hayal kurdum ve çok deÄŸerli öÄŸretmen arkadaÅŸlarımın, kıymetli seramik sanatçılarımızın, kültüre-sanata-engellilere her zaman yakın olan Nilüfer Belediyesi’nin ve Simbiyoz Aktivite DerneÄŸi’nin desteÄŸi ile bunu “Seramik Duvar Panosu” adı altında ortak bir proje haline getirdim.
Projemizi gerçekleÅŸtirmek üzere halihazırda oÄŸlum Tuna’nın da eÄŸitim almakta olduÄŸu Mehmet Torun Özel EÄŸitim Meslek Okulu seramik bölümü öÄŸrenci ve öÄŸretmenleri Sn. Hülya AKPARA, Sn. Pınar ORDU, yine Bursa’da faaliyet gösteren bir diÄŸer özel eÄŸitim meslek okulumuz Alaaddin Bey Özel EÄŸitim Meslek Okulu öÄŸrenci ve öÄŸretmeni Sn. Hidayet YILDIZ ve yine proje ortağı olan ÇaÄŸdaÅŸ EÄŸitim Kurumlarına baÄŸlı 3 Mart AzizoÄŸlu Ä°lköÄŸretim Okulu öÄŸrencileri ve seramik öÄŸretmeni Sn. Sevcan MALKOÇOÄžLU bu projenin okullara yönelik katılımcılarını oluÅŸturmaktadır.
Bursalı seramik sanatçıları tarafından oluÅŸturulmuÅŸ Bursa Seramik Sanat Kolektifi ve çok deÄŸerli üyesi Mimari Seramik Atölyesi’nin sahibi Sn. Figen ÖZDEN projemizin gerek sanatsal gerek teknik desteÄŸini vermektedir.
Seramik Duvar Pano’muzun yer alacağı duvar Nilüfer Belediyesi tarafından Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bulvarı üzerinde konumlandırılmıştır, Belediye ayrıca Bizimev çatısı altında kendisine ait seramik atölyesini haftada 1 gün, Simbiyoz Aktivite DerneÄŸi aracılığıyla bu sefer okullarından mezun olmuÅŸ özel gereksinimli çocukların üretim yapması için kullandıracaktır.
Projemize gerekli olan çamur, rumeli kökenli olup halihazırda Bursa’da faaliyet gösteren sanayici ve iÅŸ adamları tarafından 2006 yılında kurulan RUMELÄ°SÄ°AD DerneÄŸi’nce REFSAN‘dan temin edilmiÅŸtir.
Panoda kullanılacak olan seramik ürünler okullarımıza, sanatçılarımıza ve Belediye’ye ait fırınlarda fırınlanacaktır.
Son olarak Bienal kapsamında gerçekleÅŸtireceÄŸimiz tüm çalışmaları bir film haline getirerek yerel ve ulusal basında yayınlatmak, bu ÅŸekilde sesimizi tüm Türkiye’ye duyurmak bir diÄŸer hedefimiz olup proje ortağı olan tarafların hiçbirinin herhangi bir karşılık ya da bedel beklemeksizin tamamen gönüllülük esası ile projede yer aldıklarına dikkat çekmek istiyor ve ÅŸükranlarımı sunuyorum.
The 2nd International Ceramics Biennial, organized by the Turkish Ceramics Society (TSD) under the sponsorship of Durma Sanat and Nev Health Group, will be held in Bursa between 24 October and 24 November 2024.
The Biennial, which was first held in Bursa in 2022 in order to emphasize the privileged place of contemporary ceramic art among other art disciplines in our country, which keeps alive the thousands of years of ceramic tradition, is preparing to host art lovers from home and abroad.
As part of the 2nd International Ceramics Biennial, a press launch was held at Nilüfer Municipality Beet Warehouse.
Bursa is preparing to host an international biennial again in the last months of 2024.
The 2nd International Ceramics Biennial, organized by the Turkish Ceramics Society (TSD) under the sponsorship of Durma Sanat and Nev Health Group, will be held in Bursa between 24 October and 24 November 2024.
As part of the launch of the biennial, a press conference was held at the Beet Warehouse, which was opened to the city as a multi-purpose hall by Nilüfer Municipality.
The first of the International Ceramics Biennial, organized to emphasize the privileged place of contemporary ceramic art among other art disciplines in our country, which keeps alive the thousands of years of ceramic tradition, was held in Bursa in 2022.
While this biennial is the first international ceramics biennial held in our country, it has a special importance in this respect.
As part of the Biennial to be held this year, Bursa is preparing to host art lovers from home and abroad.
The Biennial, organized by the Turkish Ceramics Society (TSD) under the main sponsorship of Durma Sanat, will meet art lovers with its second edition this year. The main theme of the 2nd International Ceramics Biennial, Bursa, curated by Mutlu Baskaya, Fatma Batukan Belge and Ilhan Marasali, is "Quo Vadis/Where Are You Going". Works to be shown in the international main exhibition will focus on these questions: How does today's humanity shape the world? Can humans turn the future into a utopia by using their ability to find the truth? Is it possible to make life better for all humans - and even other living creatures - to live well here and now, and to concentrate on leaving a better world for the future?
Two important names of contemporary Turkish ceramic art will meet the audience
Guests of Honor of the 2nd International Ceramics Biennial Bursa, are two important names of contemporary Turkish ceramic art, Gungor Guner and Tuzum Kizilcan. Art lovers will have the opportunity to watch the works of these artists and meet them at the Biennial.
11 different exhibitions can be viewed at this year's Biennial, where Huri Aykut Ulker and Aylin Tatli are the Project Coordinators.
The exhibitions will spread to different points of the city, such as Nilufer Municipality's venues Beet Warehouse, Nazım Hikmet Culture House and Galeri N, as well as Tofas Anatolian Cars and Carriages Museum, Hilton Bursa Convention Center & SPA, Bursa Archeology Museum. The main exhibition to be shown at Beet Warehouse will be open to the participation of national and foreign artists and applications will be evaluated by an international jury.
Special award for the selected work
A work to be selected among these works will receive the Turkish Ceramics Federation Special Award worth 50,000 TL. In addition, Iznik, with its thousand-year ceramic history, will be included in the Biennial this year, and an exhibition consisting of the works of artists who continue to produce tiles today will be opened at the Iznik Museum. Apart from the exhibitions, various workshops, conferences, interviews and documentary screenings will also be held throughout the biennial
Creating space for young people
Bursa Uludag University, as the 'host university', will open its hall for the Student Works Exhibition titled "Heritage". In this exhibition, the works of students of the first and most important Ceramics departments in Turkey (Anadolu, Dokuz Eylul, Hacettepe, Marmara and Mimar Sinan Fine Arts Universities) and Bursa Uludag University students will be exhibited.
From each department, works inspired by a cultural heritage site in its own region will be selected. Through this exhibition, the quality of ceramics education given in the Fine Arts faculties of universities can be monitored. In addition, students will be provided with experience in taking part in contemporary art exhibitions, planning and installing exhibitions.
The voice of another group whose lives have been touched by ceramics will be heard at the Biennial
A project was created in cooperation with Nilufer Municipality in order to introduce young people with mild mental disabilities or diagnosed with autism who are receiving training in the field of Ceramics at Special Education Vocational Schools in Bursa, to showcase their skills in the subject they are trained in and to raise awareness on this issue. Students from Mehmet Torun Special Education Vocational School, Alaaddinbey Special Education Vocational School and Cagdas Education Schools will participate in the project, which will be realized with the contribution of Bursa Ceramic Art Collective, and the panel they made will be mounted at a point in the urban area.
Competition for the biennial award statuette
The Biennial Award Statuette Competition titled "Children of Ates" is organized in memory of Prof. Dr. Ates Arcasoy, one of the most important educators in Turkey on Ceramic Technology. The winning design in the competition will be produced and used as the Biennial's award statuette from now on. The awards to be given as the Seramiksir Award are as follows: First Prize is 15,000 TL, Second Prize is 10,000 TL and Third Prize is 5,000 TL. gift certificate from Seramiksir company. The winners of the competition and the works deemed worthy of exhibition will be shown first at the UNICERA Istanbul Fair and then at Akeramos Gallery in Bursa.
The Biennial also extended to the Metaverse
The 2nd International Ceramics Biennial Bursa, carries its exhibitions to the Metaverse or virtual universe this year. Ceramic works produced with 3D ceramic printers will be featured in the exhibition titled "Dataism". The exhibition, which reveals how digitalization affects life and art, will be presented in Metaverse and physical environment, as appropriate to its name.
On the hummingbird’s wing
The hummingbird on the poster of the International Ceramics Biennial has a special meaning. Known as the smallest bird in the world, the hummingbird can fly at a speed of 90 km and flap its wings 80 times per second. Unlike other art disciplines, the hearts of ceramicists who struggle with the nature of clay, the main material of ceramics, and strive to master the technique, beat like a hummingbird's heart during the creation, production and firing stages. The fire that this wonder of nature bird brings to the Earth fires its works and makes them permanent. The hummingbird on the poster of the Biennial wishes for this art to reach infinity with its wings.
Ceramic culture and Bursa
It is not a coincidence that the International Ceramics Biennial. Legendary Ottoman tiles, a valuable ceramic type among Chinese porcelain, Italian majolica and European porcelain, were produced in Iznik, Bursa. The city which hosts UNESCO World Heritage sites and historical buildings, is one of the last stops and important centers of the Silk Road route in Anatolia, where cultural transfer was carried out along with trade for centuries. Today, the enthusiasm of Bursa, which is the center of sectors such as textile and automotive, for the revival of cultural life and the volunteers working on this issue should not be underestimated. The International Ceramic Biennial is one of the opportunities that feeds this enthusiasm and enables the city to meet with contemporary art.
Turkish Ceramics Society (TSD)
Turkish Ceramics Society (TSD), founded in 1990, is the first non-governmental organization active in the field of ceramics in Turkiye. It has a unique structure that brings together the art, science (engineering) and industry sections of ceramics. It has been organizing scientific, technical, artistic, economic and social congresses, seminars, conferences, panels, exhibitions and similar meetings for 34 years. It works to increase interest in ceramics by introducing both industrial ceramic materials and ceramic art to the society. The work carried out by the art section has provided TSD with an unrivaled position in the field of contemporary ceramic art. All major events are realized with the support of sponsors. At this point, the intersection of paths between TSD and Durma Sanat who wanted to support ceramic art, made it possible to realize a long-established dream, the International Ceramics Biennial.
Durma Sanat
Durma Sanat aims to create social benefit from the healing powers of art. In line with this goal, it produces ideas and develops projects to convey art as a tool, rather than a goal, to large segments of society. Durma Sanat is open to all branches of art. It does not consider one superior to the other. It does not put the different interests of social layers within the framework of hierarchy. Durma Sanat does not have a gender and age focus based on demographics. Children, young people and the elderly alike find a place in Durma Sanat projects. Durma Sanat works to bring art together with society within the framework of universally accepted rights and freedoms. Durma Sanat only defends the freedom of art and serves its accessibility.
Detailed information and developments about the biennial can be found at
The 2nd International Ceramics Biennial, organized by the Turkish Ceramics Society (TSD) under the sponsorship of Durma Sanat, will be held in Bursa between 24 October and 24 November 2024.
The first of the International Ceramics Biennial, organized to emphasize the privileged place of contemporary ceramic art among other art disciplines in our country, which keeps alive the thousands of years of ceramic tradition, was held in Bursa in 2022.
The Biennial, organized by the Turkish Ceramics Society (TSD) under the main sponsorship of Durma Sanat, will meet art lovers with its second edition this year. The main theme of the 2nd International Ceramics Biennial, Bursa, curated by Mutlu Baskaya, Fatma Batukan Belge and Ilhan Marasali, is "Quo Vadis/Where Are You Going".
Guests of Honor of the 2nd International Ceramics Biennnial are two important names of contemporary Turkish ceramic art, Gungor Guner and Tuzum Kizilcan. Art lovers will have the opportunity to watch the works of these artists and meet them at the Biennial.
8 different exhibitions can be viewed at this year's Biennial, where Huri Aykut Ulker and Aylin Tatli are the Project Coordinators. The exhibitions will spread to different points of the city, such as Nilufer Municipality's venues Beet Warehouse, Nazım Hikmet Culture House and Galeri N, as well as Tofas Anatolian Cars and Carriages Museum, Hilton Bursa Convention Center & SPA, Bursa Archeology Museum. The main exhibition to be shown at Beet Warehouse will be open to the participation of national and foreign artists and applications will be evaluated by an international jury.
On the hummingbird’s wing
The hummingbird on the poster of the International Ceramics Biennial has a special meaning. Known as the smallest bird in the world, the hummingbird can fly at a speed of 90 km and flap its wings 80 times per second. Unlike other art disciplines, the hearts of ceramicists who struggle with the nature of clay, the main material of ceramics, and strive to master the technique, beat like a hummingbird's heart during the creation, production and firing stages. The fire that this wonder of nature bird brings to the Earth fires its works and makes them permanent. The hummingbird on the poster of the Biennial wishes for this art to reach infinity with its wings.
Ceramic culture and Bursa
It is not a coincidence that the International Ceramics Biennial. Legendary Ottoman tiles, a valuable ceramic type among Chinese porcelain, Italian majolica and European porcelain, were produced in Iznik, Bursa. The city which hosts UNESCO World Heritage sites and historical buildings, is one of the last stops and important centers of the Silk Road route in Anatolia, where cultural transfer was carried out along with trade for centuries. Today, the enthusiasm of Bursa, which is the center of sectors such as textile and automotive, for the revival of cultural life and the volunteers working on this issue should not be underestimated. The International Ceramic Biennial is one of the opportunities that feeds this enthusiasm and enables the city to meet with contemporary art.
Turkish Ceramics Society (TSD)
Turkish Ceramics Society (TSD), founded in 1990, is the first non-governmental organization active in the field of ceramics in Turkiye. It has a unique structure that brings together the art, science (engineering) and industry sections of ceramics. It has been organizing scientific, technical, artistic, economic and social congresses, seminars, conferences, panels, exhibitions and similar meetings for 34 years. It works to increase interest in ceramics by introducing both industrial ceramic materials and ceramic art to the society. The work carried out by the art section has provided TSD with an unrivaled position in the field of contemporary ceramic art. All major events are realized with the support of sponsors. At this point, the intersection of paths between TSD and Durma Sanat who wanted to support ceramic art, made it possible to realize a long-established dream, the International Ceramics Biennial.
It was decided to extend the INTERNATIONAL CERAMICS BIENNIAL, which will be held in Bursa between 20 October and 22 November 2022, after attracting great interest from art lovers. Biennial exhibitions organized by the Turkish Ceramics Society (TSD) under the main sponsorship of Durma Sanat can be viewed until January 5.
The International Ceramics Biennial, the first largest meeting of contemporary ceramic art in our country, which keeps thousands of years of ceramic tradition alive, is held in Bursa between 20 October 2022 and 5 January 2023. While the exhibitions were planned to end on November 22, the Biennial Board of Directors decided to extend it until January 5, due to the great interest of art lovers.
TSD Board Member Fatma Batukan Belge, one of the curators of the biennial, said the following about the extension of the exhibitions: “We saw how right it was to decide to hold the International Ceramics Biennial in Bursa. Both the people of Bursa and the art lovers who came to Bursa from surrounding provinces for the Biennial showed great interest in the exhibitions. The city's enthusiasm for the revitalization of cultural life and the synergy of its volunteers working on this issue increased this interest. We organized 7 different exhibitions. We decided to extend these exhibitions, which took great effort to prepare, so that more viewers can see them. We owe a debt of gratitude to our main sponsor, Durma Sanat, for its support of ceramics. It provided an opportunity for Bursa, which has been an important cultural center for centuries, to meet with contemporary art.
The biennial started with the opening ceremonies on 20-21-22 October
The Biennial, organized by the Turkish Ceramics Society (TSD) under the main sponsorship of Durma Sanat, started with the opening ceremonies held on 20 and 21 October. The first of the ceremonies was the opening of the exhibition titled "Zeitgeist: Blue" at the Bursa Chamber of Architects BAOB Campus. After the concert of pianist Ezgi Aykanat, Prof. Beril Anilanmert gave a speech on "Perceiving Life with Colors and Tones". Then, the guests went to the Hilton Hotel and attended the opening of the TSF Collection exhibition "In the Traces of Time". Awards was presented to guest of honors Prof. Beril Anilanmert and Kim Yong Moon, and Turgut Tuna. Korean artists Kim Yong Moon and Kim Hyekyoung's performance titled "Blessing" was watched with great interest. The Polyphonic Music Ensemble's Trio concert provided enjoyable moments.
On the second opening day, the "Hacettepe University Macsabal Sculptures Collection" exhibition was opened at the Tofas Anatolian Carriages and Cars Museum, followed by the "Dreams and Cars" student works exhibition at the CEK Art Center. After the opening, the "Ceramics Education in Universities" Panel was held. In the panel moderated by Aysun Colbayır, Prof. Beril Anilanmert, Prof. Candan Dizdar Terwiel, Prof. Sevim Cizer and Turgut Tuna spoke. The day ended with the Beril Anilanmert-Kim Yong Moon exhibition opened at Akeramos Art Gallery.
On the third day, Kim Yong Moon performed "From the Soil..." at Turgut Tuna Cini Farm and the participants painted commemorative plates in the workshop. In the afternoon, writer and educator Yasemin Sungur gave her speech titled "The Artist's Way" at the CEK Art Center
During the Biennial, art lovers also had the chance to watch various talks within the scope of contemporary ceramics and ceramic culture. Turgut Tuna on “From Tile to Porcelain”, Figen Ozden on “A Life Dedicated to Tile Turgut Tuna”, AyÅŸegül Turedi Ozen on “My Ceramics”, Emre ZeytinoÄŸlu on “Contemporary Art and Ceramics”, Emre Can on “Use of 3D Printers in Ceramic Production and Artistic Suggestions”, Fatma Batukan Belge on "Ottoman, Far East and European Interactions on the Axis of Blue and White Ceramics", Canan Temizelli on "The Development of Contemporary Ceramic Art in Bursa", and Tülin Öztürk on "Ceramic Education” met with art lovers with their speeches.
Within the scope of the International Ceramics Biennial, ceramic artists from Bursa organized special workshops in their studios for those interested in ceramics. These were Figen Ozden- “Applications on Plates”, Canan Temizelli- “Basic Techniques of Ceramic Clay Shaping”, Arzu Karayel- “Cuerda Seca/Black Line Technique”, Huri Aykut Ülker- “Children's Ceramic Workshops”.
The International Ceramics Biennial, held with the theme Zeitgeist: Blue, was curated by Mutlu Baskaya, Fatma Batukan Belge and Ilhan Marasali. Biennial exhibitions and events are spread out in various venues, including Bursa Chamber of Architects BAOB Campus, Tofas Anatolian Carriages and Cars Museum’s garden, CEK Art Foundation gallery, Hilton Hotel foyer and garden, and Turgut Tuna Cini Farm.
Among the exhibitions that can be viewed until January 5, only the Beril Anilanmert-Kim Yong Moon exhibition at Akeramos Art Center will end on November 22. However, a new exhibition will be opened within the scope of the Biennial. Sibel Sevim's jewelry and ceramics exhibition titled "From Me to You" can be viewed at Uluumay Ottoman Folk Clothing and Jewelry Museum starting from November 19.
Biennial Exhibitions and Venues:
“Zeitgeist: Blue”: The works of nearly a hundred ceramic artists within the scope of this theme are displayed in the hall of the Chamber of Architects in the BAOB Campus.
“Macsabal Statues Collection”: Hacettepe University's collection is displayed in the garden of Tofas Anatolian Carriages and Cars Museum.
“On the Track of Time”: This valuable collection of the Turkish Ceramics Federation, consisting of works by artists from all generations of Contemporary Turkish ceramics, is exhibited in the foyer of the Hilton Hotel.
“Macsabal Sculptures”: Small-sized Macsabal sculptures are exhibited in the foyer of the Hilton Hotel.
“Dreams and Cars”: CEK Art Center hosts a ceramic exhibition consisting of the works of young artist candidates. In this exhibition, the works of Ceramics department students from Bursa Uludag, Bilecik Seyh Edebali, Hacettepe and Mugla Sitki Kocman universities can be seen.
“From Me to You”: Sibel Sevim's jewelry and ceramics exhibition can be viewed at Uluumay Ottoman Folk Clothing and Jewelry Museum.
The INTERNATIONAL CERAMICS BIENNIAL, organized by the Turkish Ceramics Society (TSD) under the main sponsorship of Durma Sanat, will be held in Bursa between 20 October and 20 November 2022.
The International Ceramics Biennial, organized to emphasize the privileged place of contemporary ceramic art among other art disciplines in our country, which keeps alive the thousands of years of ceramic tradition, will be held in Bursa between 20 October and 20 November 2022. The main theme of this year's first edition of the Biennial, organized by the Turkish Ceramics Society (TSD) under the main sponsorship of Durma Sanat, is "Zeitgeist: Blue". The exhibitions and events of the International Ceramics Biennial, curated by Mutlu Baskaya, Fatma Batukan Belge and Ilhan Marasali, will spread to various venues, including Bursa Chamber of Architects BAOB Campus, Tofas Anatolian Carriages and Cars Museum’s garden, CEK Art Foundation gallery, Hilton Hotel foyer and garden, Akeramos Art Center and Turgut Tuna Cini Farm.
Exhibitions spread throughout the city
Five exhibitions will be watched within the scope of the International Ceramics Biennial, which will be held for the first time this year. “Zeitgeist: Blue” is the main exhibition of the biennial. The works of nearly a hundred ceramic artists within the scope of this theme will be displayed in the hall of the Chamber of Architects in the BAOB Campus. The second exhibition is Hacettepe University's Macsabal Sculptures Collection and will be shown in the garden of Tofas Bursa Anatolian Carriages and Cars Museum. Another exhibition consists of the collection of the Turkish Ceramics Federation titled "In the Trace of Time". This valuable collection, consisting of works by artists from all generations of contemporary Turkish ceramics, will be exhibited in the foyer of the Hilton Hotel. Additionally, some of the Macsabal statues will be located in the garden of the Hilton Hotel. The works of the Biennial's guest of honors Beril Anılanmert and Kim Yong Moon will be presented in a special exhibition to be opened at Akeramos Art Center. CEK Art Center will host the "Dreams and Cars" ceramic exhibition consisting of the works of young artists candidates. The works of Ceramics department students from Bursa Uludag, Bilecik Seyh Edebali, Hacettepe and Mugla Sitki Kocman universities can be seen.
Performance from Korean artist
biennial has two guest of honor; one of them is ceramic artist and academician Prof. Beril Anilanmert and the other one is Korean artist Kim Yong Moon. Beril Anilanmert will give a speech titled "Perceiving Life with Colors and Tones". Kim Yong Moon, who teaches as a guest lecturer at Hacettepe University Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Ceramics, will perform with another Korean artist, Kim Hyekyoung, during the opening.
Zeitgeist/ Spirit of the Times: Blue
Curators Mutlu Baskaya, Fatma Batukan Belge and Ilhan Marasali, who determined the main theme of the biennial as "Zeitgeist: Blue", explain the reason for this as follows: "Color is an important form of communication today, a way to express thoughts and feelings. The effect of colors is taken into consideration not only in art but in all areas of life. The global color authority Pantone Color Institute has also created a new tone for 2022 that is not in the database: This calm blue emphasizes and encourages personal creativity, and the red in it adds excitement and dynamism. The whole world has gone through a transformative period due to the impact of the pandemic; concepts and living standards have changed; physical and digital lives have become intertwined. This blue, which suits the zeitgeist of our age marked by artificial intelligence and digital transformation, was the starting point for us. We thought that great ideas and original works could arise from the combination of this red-purple-based blue and the creativity of our ceramic artists. We wanted to see the reflections of blue, which is the most used and has a special place in the history of ceramics, in contemporary ceramic art”.
The curators also made a reference to the German philosopher Robert Havemann, who emphasized that the greatest source of human energy is hope, and said, “We can be filled with energy when we look at life with a lively, cheerful attitude, optimism and hope. The fact that we are going through difficult times should not discourage us. We have a great support on the road to social recovery: art and creativity. We believe that our contemporary ceramic artists will bring hope to all of us with blue, the color of 2022!”
Events will continue throughout the month
Although the opening ceremonies of the International Ceramics Biennial exhibitions will last two days, the biennial events will span the whole month. Workshops by ceramic artists and ceramic-themed talks will be held. The speeches to be held during the biennial are as follows: "Ceramics and Contemporary Art" - Emre Zeytinoglu, "Ottoman, Far East and European Interactions on the Axis of Blue-White Ceramics" - Fatma Batukan Belge, "From Tile to Porcelain" - Turgut Tuna, "A Life Dedicated to Tile Turgut Tuna" - Figen Ozden, “Development of Contemporary Ceramic Art in Bursa”- Canan Temizelli, “Ceramic Education”- Tulin Ozturk, “The Artist's Way- Art Talks 1”- Yasemin Sungur, “Use of 3D Printers in the Ceramic Production Process and Artistic Suggestions”- Emre Can.
Additionally, ceramic artists from Bursa will organize special workshops in their studios. These; Figen Ozden, - Canan Temizelli, Arzu Karayel, Huri Aykut Ulker.
On the hummingbird’s wing
The hummingbird on a blue background of the poster of the International Ceramics Biennial has a special meaning. Known as the smallest bird in the world, the hummingbird averages 6-7 cm. in length and weighs less than 2 grams. Their bright and colorful feathers add a huge sense of ostentatiousness to their small bodies. These tiny bodies are 90 kilometers per hour. They can fly fast and flap their wings 80 times per second. Their wings, which they usually flap horizontally rather than vertically, draw an infinity sign in the air. For this reason, hummingbirds are thought to symbolize eternity. Based on the creation myth, the Ohlone Native American people of Northern California believe that the hummingbird brought fire to Earth.
Unlike other art disciplines, the heart of ceramicists, who struggle with the nature of clay, the main material of ceramics, and strive to master the technique, beats like a hummingbird's heart during the creation, production and firing stages. The fire that this natural wonder bird brings to Earth fires their works and makes them permanent. Here is the hummingbird placed on the poster of the Biennial, wishing that this art will reach eternity with its wing.
Opening Program
Thursday, October 20, 2022:
Bursa Chamber of Architects BAOB Campus:
14.00: Pianist Ezgi Aykanat concert
15.00: Prof. Beril Anilanmert's speech; “Perceiving Life with Colors and Tones”
16.00: Kim Yong Moon, “Macsabal video presentation”
Hilton Bursa Hotel:
19.00: “In Trace of Time” TSF Collection exhibition opening
Award presentation to guest of honors Prof. Beril Anilanmert and Kim Yong Moon
Presentation of the "A Life Dedicated to Ceramics" Honorary Award to Turgut Tuna
Kim Yong Moon and Kim Hyekyoung's Performance, "Blessing"
Polyphonic Music Ensemble Trio concert
Friday, October 21, 2022:
TofaÅŸ Anatolian Cars Museum:
11.00: “Hacettepe University Macsabal Sculptures Collection” exhibition opening
12.00: Speech by Mutlu BaÅŸkaya; “Macsabal Statues”,
CZECH Art Center:
14.00: “Dreams and Cars” student works exhibition opening
15.00: “Ceramics Education in Universities” Panel, Speakers: Prof. Beril Anilanmert, Prof. Candan Dizdar Terwiel, Prof. Sevim Cizer, Turgut Tuna - Moderator: Aysun Colbayır
Akeramos Art Gallery:
18.00: Beril Anilanmert- Kim Yong Moon exhibition opening
Saturday, October 22, 2022:
Turgut Tuna Tile Farm:
12.00: Kim Yong Moon Performance, “From the Soil...”
CEK Art Center:
16.00: Writer and educator Yasemin Sungur speech, “The Artist's Way”